Sat Jul 27 2024 02:37:13 UTC
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17 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
66 passt general dgibson CONF --- pasta --config-net accepts, but does not properly handle MTUs between 65522 and 65535 2023-07-04
6 passt general nobody CONF --- Port to FreeBSD and Darwin 2022-10-26
7 passt general nobody CONF --- Port to NetBSD and OpenBSD 2022-10-27
8 passt general nobody CONF --- Port to Win2k 2022-10-26
30 passt general nobody CONF --- Refactor for clarity and to give a more immediate overview 2022-10-27
43 passt general nobody CONF --- Add a mode for CLAT (RFC6145 as a part of RFC6877) 2024-03-19
47 passt general nobody CONF --- Support multiple addresses per address family 2023-05-27
48 passt general nobody CONF --- Don’t do NAT for non-local binds 2023-03-24
2 passt general nobody CONF --- Add IGMP/MLD proxy 2024-03-19
3 passt general nobody CONF --- Add support for SCTP 2024-03-19
14 passt general nobody CONF --- With CAP_NET_RAW, use raw IP sockets 2024-03-19
38 passt general nobody CONF --- Use pkt_buf (buffer for packets from guest/container) as ringbuffer 2022-11-10
13 passt general nobody CONF --- Add multithreading 2024-03-19
23 passt general nobody CONF --- Switch bug tracker to something looking nice 2023-06-28
26 passt general nobody CONF --- Kata Containers: revamp proof-of-concept and explore upstream integration 2022-10-27
25 passt general lvivier IN_P --- vhost-user back-end 2023-04-24
20 passt general sbrivio IN_P --- Evaluate memory overhead with different port forwarding configurations, decrease it 2023-03-24
17 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "general" component of the "passt" product