Sat Jul 27 2024 08:04:49 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
29 passt build sbrivio CONF --- Tests: re-enable demos once Podman integration lands upstream 2023-03-24
22 passt build dgibson CONF --- Tests: allow context setup with interactive shell 2023-06-01
5 passt build nobody CONF --- build: Fixes to build with uClibc-ng 2022-10-26
28 passt build nobody CONF --- Tests: speed up distribution tests and re-enable them 2022-10-27
35 passt build nobody CONF --- Automatically generate generate documentation and call graphs with Sphinx or similar 2023-09-27
31 passt build nobody CONF --- Tests: enable readability-function-cognitive-complexity clang-tidy warnings 2022-10-27
32 passt build nobody CONF --- Scripts: turn pre-push git hook into server-side checks 2022-10-27
33 passt build nobody CONF --- Documentation: render Excalidraw diagrams on build 2023-07-04
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "build" component of the "passt" product