Thu Jul 4 2024 09:29:24 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
49 passt pasta nobody CONF --- pasta does not work with tap-style interface 2024-06-03
34 passt pasta nobody CONF --- Properly estimate NS_FN_STACK_SIZE from NS_CALL()ed helpers 2022-10-27
46 passt pasta nobody CONF --- Wrong interface might be chosen if multiple (source-specific) default routes are present 2023-03-24
81 passt pasta sbrivio CONF --- pasta: selinux policy problems 2024-03-19
86 passt pasta nobody IN_P --- pasta does not filter out unneeded routes on kernel < 4.20 2024-05-10
5 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "pasta" component of the "passt" product